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Why Does My Ps4 Download Games So Slow UPDATED

Why Does My Ps4 Download Games So Slow

How to Improve Slow PS4 Download Speeds PlayStation 4 Guides 1

How do you download PS4 games faster? How can you fix and ameliorate boring PS4 download speeds? Undoubtedly i of the biggest issues with the PlayStation 4 are slow PS4 download speeds. More of us are first to spend our coin on the PlayStation Network now, simply wearisome PSN download speeds tin can be off-putting. While your PS4 download speed will always be limited by your Internet access provider and the rate at which Sony is able to pump data from its servers onto your panel, at that place are a few tips and tricks you tin try to improve PS4 download speeds. We're going to get into them in this guide.

How to Download PS4 Games Faster

In order to set irksome PS4 download speeds, you're first going to need to be aware of a few important things:

  • Your Net connection: If you lot're not paying for a top-of-the-line broadband package, so you may find that you're getting the best possible PS4 download speeds that your Internet service provider will allow. The best way to cheque the limitations of your connection is past performing a free speed test. If the results are in line with the bundle that your ISP is selling you lot, then you may want to look into upgrading your connection in order to ensure faster download speeds across the board – not but on the PS4.
  • Wired or wireless: Ane piece of cake manner to upgrade PS4 download speeds is to connect your PS4 to your router with a standard Ethernet cable. While this is a less convenient option, if yous can make it work you lot will guarantee better speeds. Connecting consumer electronics wirelessly is e'er easy, only depending upon your router, it can outcome in slower speeds. If you don't want to traipse cables everywhere, so you could consider looking into powerline adapters which make information technology easier to use wired connections around your business firm.
  • Costless upwardly bandwidth: Streaming movies and downloading music is going to gobble upwardly bandwidth from your Internet connexion, which volition inevitably result in slower PS4 download speeds. If you lot desire to improve PS4 download speeds, then consider closing Netflix and any other appliances competing for bandwidth. It's not ideal if you're busy doing other things, but it will aid to maximise your PS4 download speed. You lot could too consider playing offline while you download.

How Practice You Employ a Wired Connection on PS4?

Setting upward a wired connection for your PS4 is a relatively easy and inexpensive way to meliorate download speeds on PSN. All y'all'll need is a standard Ethernet cablevision, which yous can slot into the dorsum of your PS4 (all of the models have an Ethernet slot, including the PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro) and connect it to your router. You'll need to make sure you lot go to the network settings on the PS4 panel itself and make sure you lot tell it that you want to connect to the Internet via a wired connection, but it's straightforward and will cyberspace y'all a guaranteed speed heave. If running cables throughout the business firm aren't an option, and so consider looking into powerline adapters instead.

How to Improve Slow PS4 Download Speeds

If you've washed all of the higher up and yous're still pondering why PS4 download speeds are and then ho-hum, then there are a few other tips and tricks you tin can attempt to improve slow PS4 download speeds.

Pause and Resume PS4 Downloads to Improve Speed

Due to the manner PSN is setup, sometimes yous'll simply get a bad connection to Sony's servers. Ane really easy way to improve PS4 download speeds is to Intermission and Resume an detail that you don't recall is transferring fast enough. If yous head to the Notifications menu and press X on the item that you wish to speed up, you can pause it and and so resume the download. While it's not flawless, sometimes you'll encounter the estimated download fourth dimension decrease dramatically. It'southward a strange one, but it does seem to work.

Do yous have any other tips and tricks to help with slow PS4 download speeds? Do you lot e'er get a flawless connexion to the PlayStation Network, or do you ofttimes curse Sony's servers under your breath? Try non to pull too much hair out in the comments section below.


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